Saturday, March 1, 2014

Monday, January 20, 2014

What can staging do for your house?

The general rule of thumb in house sales is Master bedrooms and Kitchens often sell homes.  However, if a home feels current, it also helps sell the home.  Staging can make a home feel current and really enhance the Master and the rest of the house. 

Staging can be as simple as changing out nick-nacks and pictures and re-arranging furniture or it can go as far as repainting to neutralize colors and changing out furniture.  Have your doubts?  Take a look at these before and after shots:

Master Bedroom Before                              and after                         

Dining Room Before                                         and after               
Family Room Before                                       and after                          
Bonus Room before                                             and after                      

Sitting/Bonus Area Before                                    and after                     

Living Room Before                                       and after